By: StraightGrandmother
Typically I am the really precise one in the room. Where exactly is the “I Robert Spitzer do hereby revoke my previous researcy on…” This quote just doesn’t cut it for me, “He did. Would I print a...
View ArticleBy: Regan DuCasse
I commented about this over at ExGayWatch. We know that orgs like NOM, FRC and FOTF have also used Spitzer as an example, and Dobson is guilty of outright distorting legitimate research. And,...
View ArticleBy: TwirlyGirly
StraightGrandmother wrote: “This quote just doesn’t cut it for me: ‘He did. Would I print a retraction of his 2001 study, ‘so I don’t have to worry about it anymore’? I am looking for a stand alone...
View ArticleBy: cd
I’m not doubting Spitzer’s motive *at all*, but does anyone have any ideas as to WHY A of SB won’t print it? The usual reason. Every retraction erodes credibility of (relatively) scientific journals by...
View ArticleBy: Timothy Kincaid
There appears to be a misunderstanding. The Archives of Sexual Behavior would welcome a retraction but are waiting for Dr. Spitzer to send one. He appears to have believed that they wouldn’t print one....
View ArticleBy: Soren456
The original publication was, supposedly, peer-reviewed. A retraction involves more than Spitzer and the journal; it drags in (justifiably) the persons who reviewed the work and found no problems with...
View ArticleBy: Soren456
My comment was written while Mr. Kincaid was writing his, apparently. I wouldn’t have posted mine had I first seen Kincaid’s.
View ArticleBy: Frijondi
He’s “attracted to controversy,” is he? He should have thought about the possible consequences before he acted on those attractions. What that study needed was a prophylactic. By the way, “Archives of...
View ArticleBy: DN
I dunno that this is all that big news because, as BTB’s “How to write a homophobic screed” points out: anti-gays love to cite innumerable sources because nobody’s actually going to check on them and...
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